Patient is a 57 yo who has ISS and TB who presented with confusion and decreased intake. The family states the patient was started on medication for the above diagnoses about 2 weeks ago. Patient has become more and more confused and has not said anything in the last 24 hours. He seems to have "hotness of body" and hasn't had anything to eat or drink in 2 days.
When we evaluated the patient, he was not febrile but was minimally responsive to pain and verbal stimuli. He was tachycardic and appeared very dehydrated. He was found to be tachypneic and his oxygen saturation was 92%. The patient was given IV fluids and started on Co-tramazole, Ceftriaxone, and Acyclovir. ECG was performed to evaluate his tachycardia. Complete hemogram, UEC, and chest xray were ordered and a lumbar puncture was performed.
Oxygen is often difficult to get onto the patient and tanks have to be wheeled to the bedside. This takes a lot longer than you would really want and sometimes makes me nervous, but often there just isn't a tank available. These tanks are not very portable which means if a patient is needs O2 they can't go anywhere. Even getting a simple chest xray is impossible. Forget a stat CT- that requires raising funds and a day of travel. Sometimes I forget how easily these diagnostic studies are obtained at home.
We were able to obtain CSF and it was actually negative. I was able to walk the clinical officer through his first successful LP (or more likely he succeeded despite my misdirection). The lumbar puncture kits are very simplistic and they cannot get an opening pressure or perform cultures. However, they can obtain cryptoccal antigens studies and these were negative as well. Still, we threw everything but the kitchen sink at this guy. In addition to antibiotics, patient received IVF and tea through NG tube. Apparently it is customary to place an NG twice a day to make sure the patients get tea time.
Over the last few days, the patient has done very well. He is now off oxygen and has vastly improved, although still confused. We still don't know the underlying eitiology of his illness although the current theory is either sepsis (unknown sources) vs IRIS- immun-reconstitution syndrome. I am glad to see him improve everyday even if he has no idea who I am.
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